
This tutorial focuses on polymorphism and ends with some additional information about casting. Polymorphism is a confusing term and is best understood in terms of an example.

Consider the classes described in the inheritance tutorial: a parent class Employee and three child classes, Waiter, Chef, and Manager. Only the Waiter implementation is given, as Chef and Manager were suggested as an exercise. All three of these child classes will inherit the methods clockIn() and clockOut() from Employee.

Let’s say we decided to override clockIn() in the child classes. Consider the work() method defined below:

public work(Employee employee, int hours) => ()
    double money = employee->wage * employee->hoursWorked;
    return money;

Now, we could create objects of each child class and call the work() method on them:

Waiter waiter = Waiter:create("Herbert", 5.50);
Manager manager = Manager:create("Veronica", 16.75);
Chef chef = Chef:create("Clotilde", 22.45);
double totalCost = 0.0;
totalCost += work(waiter, 4);
totalCost += work(manager, 6);
totalCost += work(chef, 8);

Since Chef, Manager, and Waiter are all children of Employee, we can legally pass in objects of any of these classes as parameters into work(). Even though the method expects an Employee parameter, Shadow will allow any child of Employee to be used where an Employee is required.

However, the same work() method called on children of Employee might give completely different results, if they have all overridden the clockIn() method. This idea is the essence of polymorphism: Many different objects can be used in the same code yet produce results appropriate to that object. After all, the word polymorphism comes from Greek roots meaning “many forms.”

The following example shows the power of polymorphism again. First, here’s a parent class, SeaCreature:

import shadow:io@Console;

class tutorials:polymorphism@SeaCreature
    get String type;
    get String ocean;

    public create(String type, String ocean)
        this:type = type;
        this:ocean = ocean;

    public swim() => ()
        Console.printLine("This " # type # " is swimming!");

The following are two child classses of SeaCreature:

import shadow:io@Console;

class tutorials:polymorphism@Dolphin is SeaCreature
    public create(String type, String ocean)
        super(types, ocean);

    public swim() => ()
        Console.printLine("This " # this->type # " jumps above the waves!");

    public dive() => ()
        Console.printLine("We dive deep!");
import shadow:io@Console;

class tutorials:polymorphism@Turtle is SeaCreature
    public create(String type, String ocean)
        super(type, ocean);

    public swim() => ()
        Console.printLine("This " # this->type # " glides through the water!");

Lastly, the driver program and console output are provided below:

SeaCreature creature = SeaCreature:create("creature", "Arctic");

SeaCreature dolphin = Dolphin:create("dolphin", "Atlantic");

SeaCreature turtle = Turtle:create("turtle", "Pacific");
This creature is swimming!
This dolphin jumps above the waves!
This turtle glides through the water!

Static vs. dynamic type

In the driver program above, the static type of each object is SeaCreature. A variable’s static type, the type used to declare the variable, is the type that’s checked at compile time.

When would you get a compile error? Note that the Dolphin class has a method called dive() that SeaCreature does not. What if we made the method call dolphin.dive()? This code would not compile because the static type of dolphin is SeaCreature, and SeaCreature does not have a dive() method. Even though dynamic type of dolphin is Dolphin, which has the dive() method, it doesn’t matter because the static type is checked at compile time. An object’s dynamic type is the true type of the object itself, not the variable it’s stored into.

This concept of a dynamic type leads us into the next point. Look at Lines 4-8 in the driver program. We call swim() on both dolphin and turtle. You may be asking yourself, how do we know which swim() method will be executed – the one in SeaCreature or the overridden one in Dolphin or Turtle? Although the static type determines if the program will compile, the object’s dynamic type determines which method will run. For dolphin, its dynamic type is Dolphin, so the swim() method in that class will run. The same goes for turtle; its dynamic type is Turtle, so the swim() method in Turtle will run, as seen in the console output.

Abstract classes

A tool of inheritance commonly used with polymorphism is abstract classes. An abstract class is marked with the keyword abstract and can never be instantiated. If a class can never be instantiated, what’s its value? Abstract classes are allowed to contain abstract methods.

Similar to the method headers in interfaces, abstract methods have no method body. Any classes that inherit from an abstract class must provide an implementation for every abstract method in the parent class (unless the child class is also abstract). However, not every method in an abstract class must be marked abstract. Child classes of an abstract class will inherit any normal methods and member variables that the abstract class defines.

These normal methods and member variables are the central difference between abstract classes and interfaces. Interfaces cannot have any implemented methods or contain any data, but abstract classes can. While an interface is only a list of methods that a class must implement, an abstract class is a list of such methods as well as other methods that are already implemented.

Abstract classes are intended to form a framework that child classes can be built upon. Of course, this additional power comes at a cost: A child class may only inherit from one class, abstract or otherwise, but it can implement an unlimited number of interfaces. The reason for this limitation is precisely these methods and member variables. If a class could inherit from more than one class, it might have conflicting definitions for different methods and member variables. There are also performance issues associated with multiple inheritance.

The goal of both interfaces and abstract classes is abstraction. We want to write code that can work with a wide range of objects, whose static types need not be known. All we need to know is that there is a list of methods we can call on a given object, and both abstract classes and interfaces provide this guarantee.


Neither interfaces and nor abstract classes can ever be instantiated. Using the keyword create with either type will cause a compiler error.

To create abstract classes, simply put the abstract keyword in front of the class keyword when defining the class. Then, you’ll be allowed to put abstract methods in the class. Making an abstract method is very similar to defining method headers in interfaces, with two differences: You must put the keyword abstract before the name of the method, and you must mark the method public, private, or protected. Unlike interface methods, abstract methods do not need to be public, although they usually are. Just like interface methods, however, abstract methods must have a semicolon after the method header and no method body.

Take a look at the example below to see how an abstract class works. The first class is Vehicle, the abstract class:

import shadow:io@Console;

abstract class tutorials:polymorphism@Vehicle
    get String type;
    get set int year;
    get set int miles;
    get double price;

    public create(String type, int year, int miles, double price)
        this:type = type;
        this:year = year;
        this:miles = miles
        this:price = price;

    public abstract takeATrip(int mph) => ();

    public buy(double offer) => ()
        if ((price - offer) <= 1000)
            Console.printLine("Your offer is accepted! The " # type # " is yours!");
            Console.printLine("Sorry, your offer is too low");

The second is Motorcycle, which inherits from Vehicle:

import shadow:io@Console;

class tutorials:polymorphism@Motorcycle is Vehicle
    public create(String type, int year, int miles, double price)
        super(type, year, miles, price);

    public takeATrip(int mph) => ()
        Console.printLine("Buckle up!");
        Console.printLine("Your " # this->type # " is going " # mph);

Aside from the keyword abstract in the class header and the method header for takeATrip(), the Vehicle class is similar to classes we have seen before. It has a constructor, member variables, and one concrete method, buy().

The second class, Motorcycle, inherits from Vehicle, as you can tell from the keyword is in the class header. Motorcycle does not override buy(), but it must provide an implementation for takeATrip(), which it does on Lines 10-14. Note the super() call to the Vehicle constructor on Line 7. Using super in this way was covered in the previous tutorial.

Here’s an excerpt from a driver class and the console output:

Motorcycle harley = Motorcycle:create("motorcycle", 2012, 8000, 30000.50);
Your offer is accepted! The motorcycle is yours!
Buckle up!
Your motorcycle is going 75 mph

In the driver program, we create a Motorcycle object and call methods on it. However, we could have declared harley as follows:

Vehicle harley = Motorcycle:create("Harley", 2012, 8000, 30000.50);

Here, the static type of the variable harley is Vehicle, but its dynamic type is Motorcycle.

Casting reference types

We discussed casting between primitive types in an earlier tutorial. Casting between primitive types actually changes data from one format inside the computer into another. It’s also possible to use the same syntax to cast between reference types; however, this kind of casting doesn’t change how the data is stored. Instead, it changes the static type of an expression to a different static type.

When using inheritance and polymorphism, it will sometimes be necessary to convert one static type into another.

Recall that the syntax for casting is as follows:


Using the SeaCreature, Dolphin, Turtle, and driver classes above, consider the following example:

Turtle yertle = Turtle:create("Yertle", "pond");
SeaCreature animal = cast<SeaCreature>(yertle);

On Line 1 we create a Turtle object. Then, we cast it to the type SeaCreature on Line 2. Why does this work? Recall the idea of an is-a relationship from the inheritance tutorial. Since Turtle inherits from SeaCreature, a Turtle object is always a SeaCreature and therefore can be cast to the type of its parent class without error. This process is called widening (going from a narrow class to a broader one).

This is an example of an explicit cast. However, we don’t need to use an explicit cast in order to store a Turtle object in a SeaCreature. We could have just as easily written SeaCreature animal = yertle; Doing so would have used an implicit cast.

Which swim() method do you think will run on Line 3? Even though animal is a SeaCreature variable, it doesn’t change the fact that it points at an object whose dynamic type is Turtle. Remember that cast only changes the static type for reference types.

Suppose we wanted to cast a SeaCreature into a Turtle as shown below. Would this compile?

SeaCreature monster = SeaCreature:create("creature", "Black Lagoon");
Turtle myrtle = cast<Turtle>(monster);

Although the code would compile, it would cause a runtime error, a CastException, because the SeaCreature object cannot be cast to a Turtle. The dynamic type of the object that monster points at is actually SeaCreature, so it can’t be changed into the narrower type Turtle. Why? Consider the is-a relationship. While a Turtle object is always a SeaCreature, this SeaCreature is not a Turtle.

However, narrowing does not always cause a compiler error. Consider the example below:

SeaCreature gamera = Turtle:create("Gamera", "space");
Turtle friendToChildren = cast<Turtle>(gamera);

On Line 1, we store a Turtle object into a SeaCreature variable, an example of widening the type. On Line 2, we cast gamera back to Turtle and store the result in the Turtle variable friendToChildren. Although we are casting from a broader type to a narrower type, this is legal because the true dynamic type of the object is Turtle.

Note that side-casting in Shadow is always illegal. For example, you cannot cast a Turtle to a Dolphin or vice versa, despite the fact that they are both child classes of SeaCreature.

As a final note on casting, you can always cast an object to type Object since it’s the parent class for all classes. See the example below.

String message = "Help me";
Object object = cast<Object>(message); // Cast is unnecesary

Although primitive types are not objects, Shadow sometimes needs to wrap them up so that they can be stored in reference variables. Surprisingly, even the following is legal:

Object number = 8;