
This tutorial introduces arrays in Shadow. An array is a simple but powerful data structure that allows you to store a large, fixed number of values of the same type. For example, if you had a list of String variables representing different dog breeds you could store all of these String values in a single array, instead of creating an individual variable for each breed. Consider the visualization of an array below:






Each box represents a location for the data in an array of size 5. The numbers show how arrays are indexed. Like most programming languages, arrays and other lists in Shadow are indexed starting at 0 not 1. Consequently, the largest index in your array will always be one less than the size of the array, in this case a largest index of 4 for an array with size 5.

Initializing and displaying an array

Because an array is a list of values that all have the same type, that type’s name is part of the type of an array variable. To declare an array variable to hold a list of int values, the type name will be int[]. In general, the type of an array is the name of the type it holds, followed by a pair of square brackets. Here are declarations of array variable intended to hold lists of int values and String values, respectively:

int[] numbers;
String[] songs;

Explicit initializer

Declaring an array variable does not create a list. Instead, it creates a variable that can hold a list. There are a couple of ways to create such a list. One possibility is an explicit initializer, where all the values in the list are written in curly braces ({}). Doing so creates a list with a size equal to the number of items in the curly braces, as shown below:

var favoriteBreed = "Beagle";
String[] dogBreeds = {favoriteBreed, "Chihuahua", "Poodle", "Pomeranian", "Maltese"};


Line 2 highlights the key syntax rules for declaring an array. First, the specified variable type is followed by [] and the array name. Then, to the right of the equals sign, any literal values or variable names are enclosed by { } and separated by commas. Voilà! You have an array.


When you declare an array to be a certain type, all elements in the initializer must have the same type or you will get a compiler error.

Displaying an array

Line 4 above shows an easy way to format and print out an array. The Array class has a toString() method that takes an array and outputs its contents between brackets. Passing an array to the printLine() method in Console automatically invokes this toString() method, giving the following output:

[Beagle, Chihuahua, Poodle, Pomeranian, Maltese]

Creating an empty array

Another possibility is to create an empty list using the create keyword. This option is more common than using an explicit initializer because it allows for much longer arrays whose values need not be known ahead of time.

Instead of intializing the array variable with an explicit initializer, we use the name of the type stored in the array followed by a colon (:) followed by the create keyword followed by the size of the array we want to create in square brackets. This value can be an int (or long) literal or variable or any expression that evaluates to a non-negative integer value.

int[] golfScores = int:create[5];

Here, we have created an array called golfScores that can hold 5 values. Whether creating an empty array or using an explicit initializer, the size of an array is fixed and cannot change. If you need an array of a different size later, you can point the array variable at an array of a different size. Although we haven’t filled the array with golf scores yet, a default value is stored at every index in the array. The default values of frequently used types are listed below:

  • int: 0

  • double: 0.0

  • String: "" (empty String)

  • boolean: false

  • code: '\0'


When we cover the creation of objects in a later tutorial, we will again use the create keyword to instantiate objects. In both cases, the create keyword indicates that memory is being allocated on the heap to store values, whether for an object or for an array.

As you can see, the array golfScores holds 5 int values, all of which contain 0. Although we can’t change the size of the array once it’s created, we can update the values of individual elements inside. The following examples illustrate two possible ways to do so:

 * You and your friends, who are novice golfers, decide to go
 * play a round of golf one afternoon. Now, you want to
 * record your scores.
 * You: 110
 * Zizi: 106
 * Omar: 104
 * Stephen: 108
 * Daphne: 102

golfScores[0] = 110;
golfScores[1] = 106;
golfScores[2] = 104;
golfScores[3] = 108;
golfScores[4] = 102;

Although there’s nothing wrong with storing values using explicit array indices, it can become tedious when the array is long. As an example, let’s consider triangular numbers. A triangular number is a positive integer that can be drawn to look like an equilateral triangle by arranging a number of dots equal to the value of the number. Although the definition sounds complex, the value of the ith triangular number is (i × (i + 1))/2.

The following code stores the first 100 triangular numbers into an array. Note that the loop runs from 1 to 100, but the indexes of the array are from 0 to 99. That’s why we subtract 1 when specifying the index.

int[] triangular = int:create[100];

for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i += 1)
    triangular[i - 1] = (i * (i + 1))/2;

Both of these examples achieve the desired result of storing values into an int array. The most important thing to take away is how we access specific elements of the arrays. You can read from as well as write to indexes using the same syntax. For example, after the previous code has run, we can find out the 42nd triangular number with the following code:

var number = triangular[41];  // index 41 is the 42nd location
Console.printLine("42nd triangular number: " # number);

This code should have the following output:

42nd triangular number: 903

Array size

There are many situations where your code must deal with an array created elsewhere. How do you know the size of such an array? In Shadow, every array knows its size, which you can find out by using the size property. A property is a special method that can be called using the arrow operator (->).

For example, if you wanted to implement a for loop that iterates over an array called randomness, you can use its size property to find out how long it is, as follows:

var length = randomness->size;

If randomness has 947 elements, the variable length would then contain 947. It doesn’t matter what kind of values are stored in an array; its size property will always return an int value.

Creating arrays with a default value

Although arrays are normally created with a default value, you can specify your own default value using the default keyword. When doing so, every element in the array will contain the same value – whatever you choose. Consider the following segment of code:

String[] a = String:create[5]:default("Serendipity");

for(int i = 0; i < a->size; i += 1)
    Console.printLine("a[" # i # "]: " # a[i]);

As seen in Line 1 and the console output below, the addition of :default("Serendipity") to the array initialization fills each element of the array with the String "Serendipity".

a[0]: Serendipity
a[1]: Serendipity
a[2]: Serendipity
a[3]: Serendipity
a[4]: Serendipity

nullable arrays

Just as you can declare a String or other reference to be nullable, you can do the same for arrays. However, the array itself is not nullable. Rather, the elements inside of it are.

When creating a nullable array, you must use the null keyword instead of the create keyword before specifying the size of the array inside square brackets.

Consider the example below:

nullable String[] test = String:null[4];

test[1] = "Joy";
test[2] = "Wombat";


The console output is:

[null, Joy, Wombat, null]

The nullable String array test is created with 4 elements, all containing null. Then, in Line 3, we change the value of the 2nd element in the array to "Joy". In Line 4 we change the value of the 3rd element in the array to "Wombat".

subarray() method

The subarray() method allows you to create a new array that is a copy of part of an existing array, very much like the substring() method described in an earlier tutorial. This copy is a shallow copy, which means that a reference to an object inside of one array will be copied to the other array, making the two references point at the same object. Later, changing what is stored inside one array will not affect the other, but making internal changes to an object that both arrays point at will be reflected in both arrays. In this way, using subarray() is different from the deep copy technique discussed in a later tutorial.

The parameters of the subarray() method are the start index, which is the first index you want to copy, and the stop index, which is one location after the last index you want to copy. The result must be stored in an array of compatible type.

String[] trilingual = String:create[3];
a[0] = "Hola";
a[1] = "Hello";
a[2] = "Bonjour";

String[] bilingual = trilingual.subarray(0, 2);
Console.printLine("trilingual: " # a);
Console.printLine("bilingual: " # array);

The contents of trilingual and bilingual are:

trilingual: [Hola, Hello, Bonjour]
bilingual: [Hola, Hello]

The array we are making a subarray from, trilingual, has three elements. Using subarray() we are creating an array that only has the first two elements of trilingual. As you can see in Line 6, the parameters 0 and 2 represent the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive), respectively. This means elements with index 0 and 1 will be made into the subarray.


Although it seems strange to specify a subarray (or other range) using two indices where the start index is included in the result and the end index is not, this convention is very common in many programming languages. A useful mnemonic tool is that the size of the resulting range is equal to the end index minus the start index.

index() method

Although it is rarely useful, the index() method is equivalent to using square brackets ([]) to read and write elements in an array. Because both reading and writing are required, index() is an overloaded method. The first way you can use index() is to read an element of an array at a specific index. The only parameter is the desired index. The second way to use index() is to change the value of an element at a specific index. The parameters are the index and the new value. See the short program below for an example:

/* Imagine you are working for a news station
 * and need to create array with this week's
 * predicted temperatures. You will also need
 * to update your predictions if they change.

double[] temperature = double:create[6];
for (int i = 0; i < temperature-> size; i += 1)
    temperature[i] = 40 + (i * 2.1);

Console.printLine("The week's forecast in degrees Fahrenheit is: ");

var tuesday = temperature.index(2);
Console.printLine("Tuesday's temp will be " # tuesday # " degrees.");

temperature.index(3, 55.3);
Console.printLine("Wednesday's new temp is " # temperature.index(3) # " degrees.");

The console output is:

The week's forcast in degrees Fahrenheit is:
[40.0, 42.1, 44.2, 46.3, 48.4, 50.5]
Tuesday's temp will be 44.2 degrees.
Wednesday's new temp is 55.3 degrees.

On Line 16 we used index() to read the element at index 2 and to store it into the variable tuesday. On Line 19 we changed the value of the element at index 3 to 55.3. On Line 20 we used index() again to read the value we just changed.


Although exceptions will be covered in detail in a later tutorial, there is one common exception you might run into when working with arrays. An exception is a runtime error that is can be thrown and must be caught by an appropriate handler or it will cause your program to crash. An IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when you try to access an index that does not exist inside of an array. This index could be a negative index or an index that is greater than or equal to the size of the array. For example, consider the code below:

int[] outOfBounds= int:create[3];

for (int i = 0; i < outOfBounds->size; i += 1)
    outOfBounds[i] = 3*i + 1;

outOfBounds[3] = 10;

This is the error statement displayed on the console:

shadow:standard@IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 3

Why is this exception thrown? The array outOfBounds is created correctly and filled without error. However, on Line 6 we tried to store a value at index 3. Because arrays are indexed starting at 0, an array of size 3 only has indices 0, 1, and 2. Thus, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, and the program will terminate with an error displayed on the console. It’s especially important to pay attention to the indices of arrays when writing the conditions for a loop. Below is code that will have the same error but might be harder to notice because the problem is in the condition of the for loop:

int[] outOfBounds= int:create[3];

for (int i = 0; i <= outOfBounds->size; i += 1)
    outOfBounds[i] = 3*i + 1;


It is possible to catch an IndexOutOfBoundsException, but it’s rarely useful to do so. An IndexOutOfBoundsException usually indicates that a mistake was made programming. While one can imagine scenarios where some kind of array range checking is done through exception handling, it’s much slower to create, throw, and catch exceptions than it is to do proper range checking with if statements or careful loop conditions.

2-D arrays

A 2-D array is an array whose elements have both a row index and a column index. You can imagine a 2-D array as a table, with each row acting like a separate array. Consider the table below, showing the row and column indices of each element.
















Although the choice is arbitrary, it’s convention to treat the first index as the row and the second as the column. Now, let’s discuss how to declare and initialize a 2-D array. As with regular arrays, it’s possible to use either explicit initialization or to create empty arrays:

String[][] dimensions = {{"don't","stop","believin"}, {"livin","lonely","world"}, {"small","town", "girl"}};
int[][] temp = int:create[4][5];

On Line 1, each grouping of words behaves like a row, forming a 2-D array with 3 rows and 3 columns. On Line 2, a 2-D array is created with 4 rows and 5 columns, all filled with 0. In order to let the compiler know you’re declaring a 2-D array variable, you use two pairs of brackets ([][]) instead of the single pair you would use with a normal array.

Just as it’s often valuable to access every index of a normal array using a for loop, this idea can be extended to 2-D arrays as well. Instead of a single for loop, we can use nested for loops where the outer loop iterates over the rows and the inner loop iterates over the columns. See below for an example:

int[][] speeding = int:create[4][5];

for (int i = 0; i < speeding->size; i += 1)
    for (int j = 0; j < speeding[i]->size; j += 1)
        speeding[i][j] =  10*i + j + 60;


The array contents are as follows:

[[60, 61, 62, 63, 64], [70, 71, 72, 73, 74], [80, 81, 82, 83, 84], [90, 91, 92, 93, 94]]

Line 3 shows a for loop iterating through the speeding->size rows in the array. Line 5 shows a for loop iterating through the number of columns on row i, which is speeding[i]->size. It’s possible to create a 2-D array where each row has a different number of columns – a ragged array. Whether or not the array is ragged, speeding[i]->size will always give the correct number of elements on row i.

Note that Line 7 indexes both the row i and the column j to store a value at a specific location in speeding.

In Shadow it is possible to have 3-D arrays or higher, up to an unlimited number of dimensions. However, they are not often used in practice, as a high-dimensional table becomes difficult to think about and use. In fact, there is no such thing as a true 2-D array in Shadow. It is equally valid to think of a 2-D (or higher-dimensional) array as an array of arrays.

foreach loops

For the last array topic, we will examine the foreach loop, a fourth kind of loop closely related to a for loop. A foreach loop provides an efficient way to iterate through an array that is both safer and simpler to implement than a for loop. An example is below:

String[] a = String:create[5]:default("Kerfuffle");

foreach (String value in a)

Console output:


The loop header on Line 3 is foreach (String value in a). This means that the program will step through every single element in the array, starting at the first index. Each time the loop runs, the next element in the array will be stored into value. Any statements inside the loop will be executed for each element.

Note that you must always specify a type name followed by a variable name followed by the keyword in followed by the name of the array. The type name must always be the type of the elements inside the array, but you can choose any legal variable name, as long as it isn’t already in use.

foreach loops are a popular alternative to for loops when dealing with arrays because the programmer doesn’t have to worry about initialzing, updating, or checking an index variable.


foreach loops are convenient, but they are less flexible than for loops. For one thing, they are read only: Assigning a different value to the loop variable (value in the example above) will not change the contents of the array. Also, there is no way to leave the loop early without a break, continue, or return statement.