Advanced Features of Classes

Now that we have covered the basics of classes in Shadow, we can move on to some of their more advanced features.

Deep copying

Shadow has the ability to create deep copies of objects. Making a deep copy means not only copying the object but making deep copies of all members of the object as well. With a few exceptions, making a deep copy of an object means that every member variable inside the object will have the same contents yet be a new object stored in a new location.

The process of deep copying is built into Shadow and is intended to be a central part of thread communication in Shadow. Although threading is not yet fully implemented, the intention is that sending an object from one thread to another will automatically involve creating a deep copy so that that threads don’t share data, preventing data races.

Shadow uses the keyword copy to create a copy of an object. Although the syntax is simple, care should be taken when using the copy command because it will deeply copy everything inside of the object. If the object only contains a few primitive member variables, the process will be quick and efficient. However, if the object is a list that contains millions of objects, all of those objects (and references to objects they contain) will be copied as well.

See below for an example of using copy, which references the Otter class from the previous tutorial:

Otter oliver = Otter:create("Oliver", "ocean");
Otter oscar = copy(oliver);

As you can see, you simply write copy(objectName) and store the result in an appropriate type. The Otter oscar is now a deep copy of oliver – including deep copies of all of its members. Any changes to oscar will not be reflected in oliver. Internally, the copy command keeps track of all new objects allocated. If a circular reference would cause an object to be copied a second time, the copy command instead uses the first copy. An exception to the rule is immutable objects, which cannot be changed anyway. References to such objects are assigned directly, without making copies of the underlying objects.

The copy keyword can be used on arrays as well. Because it’s a deep copy, making changes to objects inside of a copy won’t change the objects inside of the original. Let’s see an example using copy on an array. First, let’s make a very short class called Number that holds an int called value:

class tutorials:advanced@Number
    get set int value;

    public create(int value)
        this:value = value;

Then, we can create an array of Number objects containing the values 3, 5, and 7, respectively.

Number[] original = {Number:create(3), Number:create(5), Number:create(7)};
Number[] copied = copy(original);
for(int i = 0; i < copied->size; i += 1)
    Console.printLine("copied[" # i # "]: " # copied[i]->value);

copied[0]->value = 9;

Console.printLine("original[0] :" # original[0]->value);
Console.printLine("copied[0]: " # copied[0]->value);

Below is the console output:

copied[0]: 3
copied[1]: 5
copied[2]: 7

The expression copy(original) on Line 2 creates an entirely new array with fresh copies of all the Number objects from original and stores the result into copied. When we change value inside of the first element in copied to 9 on Line 8, it does not change the value inside the first element in original. If we had made a copy of original using the subarray() method, for example, the value would have changed in the original because the first element in a shallow copy of the array would still point at the same object.

Immutable classes and references

In a previous tutorial, we mentioned that the String class is immutable. An immutable object is one whose value cannot be changed after it’s been created.

In Shadow, the String class is not the only thing that’s immutable – other classes and references can be as well. We will start by looking at immutable classes. Consider the example below:

import shadow:io@Console;

/* Imagine you own a restaurant and you are looking to hire a
 * another server. You use this class to create application
 * objects. Once an object is created, which represents one
 * application, its contents can never change. Thus, we declare
 * the class to be immutable.

immutable class tutorials:advanced@JobApplication
    get String name;
    get int age;
    get boolean experience;
    get String skill;

    public create(String name, int age, boolean experience, String skill)
        this:name = name;
        this:age = age;
        this:experience = experience;
        this:skill = skill;

    public evaluate() => ()
        if (age <= 18 or experience == false)
            Console.printLine(name # " is not qualifed for the job.");
            Console.printLine(name # " would be a great employee!");

In order to declare a class to be immutable, we simply have to put the immutable modifier before the class keyword as we do on Line 10. The constructor and other methods within the class cannot be marked immutable, just the class header.

Aside from the keyword immutable, the JobApplication class does not appear to be any different from the the regular classes we have written. However, notice how none of the member variables are marked with the keyword set. If you tried to do so, you would get a compiler error because data inside an immutable object cannot be changed after the object is created. Furthermore, any method (other than the constructor) that tries to change the contents of an object of an immutable class will result in a compiler error. Yet the method evaluate() is valid because it only uses the values of some member variables without trying to change them.

Using an immutable class is no different from any other class, as seen in the driver code below:

import shadow:io@Console;

class tutorials:advanced@ApplicationDriver
    public main( String[] args ) => ()
        JobApplication chris = JobApplication:create("Chris", 20, true, "positive attitude");

The console output is:

Chris would be a great employee!

Syntax aside, why is it beneficial to create immutable classes, and why would we want to create immutable objects and references? The answer is program safety. You can pass around immutable objects with confidence that they won’t be changed. This knowledge allows the compiler to make some optimizations that it otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

This idea becomes even more important when it’s extended to thread safety. If you have a program that is multi-threaded in another programming language, it’s possible that more than one thread could be trying to change a single object at the same time. This could lead to unintended results or errors in the program. Shadow doesn’t allow threads to share mutable data, requiring deep copies of all objects passed from one thread to another. However, immutable objects do not need to be copied because they can’t be changed. Thus, by creating as many immutable objects as possible, you make your programs safer and your multi-threaded programs faster.

The freeze keyword

It’s possible to declare an entire class with the immutable keyword, but what if you only need a particular reference to be immutable? You can declare any local or member variable with the immutable keyword. If you try to store an object whose class is immutable into an immutable reference, everything will work fine.

However, you can’t store a normal object into an immutable reference without using the freeze keyword. The freeze command creates an immutable, deep copy of the object it’s called on.

Here’s an example in which we freeze an instance of the Number class we defined earlier in this tutorial:

immutable Number number = freeze(Number:create(42));

Using freeze creates an immutable reference to a non- immutable object, allowing us to store it in the immutable reference number. We are able to use the value get property to print out the value 42. However, if we had tried to use the set version of the value property to change value to something else, the code would not have compiled.

The readonly keyword

When an object is stored in an immutable reference, only its readonly methods can be called. These are the methods that are guaranteed not to change values inside of the object. In an immutable class, all methods are implicitly readonly. In a regular class, methods must be explicitly marked readonly. By default, get properties for primitive types and immutable member variables are implicitly readonly.

In addition to methods, references can be marked readonly as well. Like an immutable reference, only readonly methods can be called from a readonly reference. The key difference is that a readonly reference only guarantees that the object won’t be changed through this particular reference while an immutable reference guarantees that the object won’t be changed ever. One way to think about it is that an immutable reference behaves as if all references to that object are readonly.

We use readonly references to resolve a problem: An immutable reference can’t be stored into a regular reference, and (without using freeze) a regular reference can’t be stored into an immutable reference. To mediate between the two different kinds of references, readonly references are used. You can store either a normal reference or an immutable reference in a readonly reference.

Although methods and references can be marked readonly, classes can’t be, since a readonly class would really be the same as an immutable class.

The constant keyword

If a member variable in a class is marked with the keyword constant, its value is fixed at compile time and can never change. In fact, a member variable marked constant is not truly a member variable because it doesn’t belong to a specific instance of the class. It has the same unchanging value for every object. The types that can be marked constant are primitive types, String values, and arrays of those types. In addition, constants can be declared public, private, or protected, as outside classes may need to access their values or not.

These constant fields are used to given convenient names for values that never change. For example, double:PI is a constant that records the closest double approximation to π. Similarly, double:E is a constant that approximates Euler’s number, the base of the natural logarithm. Because they’re not connected to a particular object, the syntax for accessing these values is ClassName:CONSTANT, where CONSTANT is the name of the constant. It’s convention to name constants using all capital letters, separating individual words with an underscore (_).

Below is an example class that can store and compute information about a regular pentagon:

class Pentagon
    public constant int SIDES = 5;
    double length;

    public create(double length)
        this:length = length;

    public getPerimeter() => (double)
        return SIDES * length;

    public getArea() => (double)
        double apothem = 0.5 * length / (double:PI / SIDES).tan();
        return 0.5 * SIDES * length * apothem;

The Pentagon class has a single member variable length that stores the length of one side of the pentagon. Because it’s a regular pentagon, all sides have the same length. The class also contains the constant SIDES, with a value set to 5, since all pentagons have five sides.

The toString() method

Every object has a toString() method that returns a String representation of that object. This method is defined in the Object class, and other objects get that default implementation through a process called inheritance, which will be discussed in detail in the Inheritance tutorial.

This default implementation of the toString() method isn’t very useful: All it does is return the full type name of the object as a String. However, you can write your own toString() method to give a more meaningful String representation for the objects of any class you create.

For example, let’s pretend we have a simple class representing guests visiting Shadow State Park, located in the Method Mountains. The member variables represent the guest’s name, length of stay, and preferred activity, respectively. See below for the full class:

import shadow:io@Console;

class tutorials:advanced@Guest
    get String name;
    get set int days;
    get set String activity;

    public create(String name, int days, String activity)
        this:name = name;
        this:days = days;
        this:activity = activity;

    public readonly toString() => (String)
        String part1 = name # " is staying for " # days # " days";
        String part2 = " and would like to go " # activity;

        return part1 # part2;

Here’s an excerpt from the driver program and its console output:

ShadowPark guest1 = ShadowPark:create("Natasha", 3, "rock climbing");
Natasha is staying for 3 days and would like to go rock climbing

The toString() method is overridden on Lines 16-22. If a programmer decides to override the toString() method in any class, the method header must match public readonly toString() => (String) exactly. Omitting readonly will cause a compile error, as the toString() method cannot make changes to the object it’s called on.

Using objectName.toString() or #objectName will produce the String value returned by the toString() method for objectName (which is also what’s output when using Console.printLine(objectName)). If the programmer has overridden the toString() method for its class, the output will be a customized String representing that object. Otherwise, the output will just be the type name.