
Exception UnsupportedOperationException

Parent class


exception UnsupportedOperationException

Exception UnsupportedOperationException should be thrown when a method is called that is never intended to be called. This situation usually arises when a method is required for an interface, but the underlying class has no meaningful implementation for the method.

Create Summary

Modifiers Return Types Method and Description
public () create()

Creates an UnsupportedOperationException with no message.

public () create(String message)

Creates an UnsupportedOperationException with a message explaining why the operation is unsupported.

Destroy Summary

Modifiers Return Types Method and Description
public () destroy()

Method Summary

Modifiers Return Types Method and Description
public readonly (UnsupportedOperationException) copy(AddressMap addresses)

Create Detail


public create() => ()

Creates an UnsupportedOperationException with no message.


public create(String message) => ()

Creates an UnsupportedOperationException with a message explaining why the operation is unsupported.


message - message explaining why the operation is unsupported

Destroy Detail


public destroy() => ()

Method Detail


public readonly copy(AddressMap addresses) => (UnsupportedOperationException)