
Exception IndexOutOfBoundsException

Parent class


exception IndexOutOfBoundsException

Exception IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when an access to an out-of-bounds array element is attempted. This exception is also thrown for similar out-of-bounds accesses on String, ArrayList, and LinkedList and should be used for other similar index-based containers with set long bounds.

Create Summary

Modifiers Return Types Method and Description
public () create()

Creates an IndexOutOfBoundsException with no message.

public () create(long index)

Creates an IndexOutOfBoundsException with a message specifying a particular out-of-bounds index.

Destroy Summary

Modifiers Return Types Method and Description
public () destroy()

Method Summary

Modifiers Return Types Method and Description
public readonly (IndexOutOfBoundsException) copy(AddressMap addresses)

Create Detail


public create() => ()

Creates an IndexOutOfBoundsException with no message.


public create(long index) => ()

Creates an IndexOutOfBoundsException with a message specifying a particular out-of-bounds index.


index - out-of-bounds index

Destroy Detail


public destroy() => ()

Method Detail


public readonly copy(AddressMap addresses) => (IndexOutOfBoundsException)